Why did Bernard Looney and Jacqueline Hurst get divorced? More on Their Relationship and Net Worth
Bernard Looney with his impressive earnings and achievements in the business world. He is CEO of Bernard Looney Associates, which has suddenly become the topic of conversation.
With the century-old oil and gas corporation BP plc, where he currently serves as Chief Executive Officer. One of the seven “supermajors” in the oil and gas sector, by a wide margin, is BP.
In addition to his considerable success and status as a business tycoon, Bernard Looney has been linked to his ex-wife Jaqueline Hurst. Read the article below to find out more information about them.
Bernard Looney and His Ex-Wife Jacqueline Hurst Had a Troubled Relationship
The couple’s relationship after their divorce became so entangled that they were forced to part ways.
It is obvious why Ms. Hurst is regarded as one of London’s top personal trainers. Additionally, she has published a book, and her success rates are very high. She currently has a book out called “How to Do You,” and it has the biggest sales.
The book has become the all-time best-selling British novelist on a global scale.
Looney and Hurst decided to pursue a divorce through text messaging after two years of marriage.
Jacqueline Hurst is a life coach, an author who has been published, and a columnist for GQ magazine. Jacqueline Hurst is a native of the UK.
Hurst recently admitted that when her marriage to Looney abruptly terminated without notice or explanation, she was utterly crushed. She put her entire heart into the book that she has written.

She views the book The Life-Changing Art of Mastering Your Thoughts and Taking Control of Your Life as a learning platform and a bridge that unites many people.
She claimed that Looney married her purely out of a desire to take advantage of the opportunity he saw in her. Simply to progress in his career at BP, Looney married her. Hurst is currently occupied with her life and work. Simply said, she moved on.
Despite having two prior marriages, Hurst is open about her life on both her company website and Instagram account.
BP CEO Bernard Looney’s Net Worth
According to reports, he has an amazing net worth that includes $287.3 billion in assets, $158 billion in income, and an average profit of $7.6 billion.
The well-known person began when he was only 20 years old and managed to steadily climb the success ladder over time.
The projected net worth of the business tycoon, sometimes known as the “cash machine,” is unquestionably considerably greater.